Ein Liste von Datenlieferanten mit denen ein Mapping möglich ist. | A list of data providers which can be mapped.


Highly efficient software for comparing automobile lists from a diverse source of data suppliers

Description of the program

The e:c:mapper is a Java program for internal applications. In this way, your data remain fully under your control. Mapping tasks are organized in the form of profiles. Each profile includes specifications as to which data provider has provided the starting material and which mapping direction is to be utilized e.g. JATO to DAT. After a profile has been opened, the two entry lists are uploaded and can be checked once again. After that the actual mapping procedure is initiated. After the mapping has been successfully completed, theresult is displayed and can be exported as text data or in MS-excel format.
The actual mapping process is carried out in several stages:

1. Extraction of characteristics

All of the entry fields are scanned for utilizable vehicle description features. During the process, aggregated identifier terms are brought into play in order to extract every possible bit of information – e.g. the designation `DSG´ or `Tiptronic´ in a vehicle denotation will automatically be identified as such as automatic transmission.

2. Standardization of the characteristics

Some data providers describe particular vehicles or vehicle characteristics in different ways. For instance one data provider classifies a hatchback as being a door, others do not. What one provider describes as being a `hatchback´ model is a `limousine´ for a different provider. These variations are evened out by step-wise standardizations based on heuristics.

3. Statistical hit evaluation

All known characteristics of a particular profile are weighted and after that all data sets are compared phonetically feature by feature. This yields a hit probability for the particular pairs of data sets. Should the hit probability exceed the pre-allocated profile threshold, the relevant data set pair will be incorporated into the final hit list. In addition to e:c:mapper’s interactive mode, a batch mode is provided for automating the mapping in the form of scripts. In the process, the program is completely operated by command line parameters. In doing so, no interactive user interface is rendered visible.

The program is executable using Java 1.8 with Windows, Linux, MacOS


• Expensive manual comparison of data is minimized
• Improved quality of data sets

• Cost reduction due to faster comparison
• Reduced follow-up costs due to reduced error rate
• Facilitated integration of new data providers

Mapping Scenarios



S C E N A R I O  1

Exchange of vehicle lists between systems from different data provider

As a fleet manager you regularly obtain new quotes from leasing companies. Your internal fleet administration software utilizes JATO for ordering new
vehicles, yet the leasing company you directed your request to utilizes Eurotax internally to carry out the leasing calculation. You send a list of vehicle
requests to the leasing company and in return you receive quotes for each vehicle with the leasing rates and the corresponding Eurotax NAT codes. You are then obliged to adjust the list of requested vehicles with reference to the quotation list you have received; the quoted leasing rate should be carried over in the process.

You upload the tender offer list and the quotes received in the e:c:mapper and assign the vehicles to them respectively. The mapping result can then be readjusted if necessary. In this way, systematic assignment errors are easily detected and can usually be eliminated by `recalibrating´ the mapping profile for future assignment orders.


S C E N A R I O   2

Integration of a new data provider into an internal software solution

You operate an internal fl eet management system for processing new vehicle orders, using a configurator based on JATO data. You wish to integrate residual values as an additional service in evaluating the fleet and choose DAT as your residual value supplier. You regularly receive new residual values and wish to transfer these to the internal evaluation system; the residual value data sets are to be assigned to the respective JATO data sets.

The e:c:mapper batch mode automatically takes care of this as soon as the transferred data is received.


S C E N A R I O  3

Takeover of an existing fleet (data migration)

Your company has successfully acquired a new fleet and you have to transfer the relevant fleet data to your internal administration system.
You have received a list of vehicles which has to be managed without any unambiguous data provider source identification tags whatsoever.

Using an individualised e:c:mapper takeover profile, foreign inventory data are successfully carried over to internal formats.


S C E N A R I O  4

Requests in a foreign data format

As a leasing company, you receive requests in foreign formats from fleet administrators. You perform calculations in your internal system using Eurotax data and receive, e.g. requests from fleet administrators who use JATO data internally. You are obliged to calculate lists internally of new vehicles that are
requested on a regular basis and you therefore require a conversion of JATO data into your internal Eurotax format; the quotes should however, be subsequently forwarded back to the fleet manager in JATO format again.

With the help of the e:c:mapper you can easily transfer the request for quotation lists to your internal calculations.

S C E N A R I O  5

Vehicle dealers/branch offices, internet portals

As a car dealer/branch or internet portal operator you offer stock and used cars from different sources. Inconsistent, unclassified vehicle descriptions prevent a manufacturer-spanning search for vehicles, make it difficult to compare vehicles or to speed up bidding processes. You can obtain normalised vehicle descriptions from a VIN query provider, but in many cases this is not sufficient. By usage of e:c:mapper/e:c:vinmapper these results are
transferred into high quality classified commercial vehicle specifications (e.g. from JATO) increasing the service quaility for your vehicle stock and sales.


S C E N A R I O  6

Vehicle Insurances

VIN Mapping – uniform and classifi ed description of your vehicle contract portfolio.

Your company is interested in damage relevant vehicle equipment. Only by usage of classified vehicle descriptions statistically valid statements can
be made. This cannot be carried out solely on the basis of the uniform description of VIN query results. By usage of e:c:mapper/e:c:vinmapper these query results are transferred into detailed classified vehicle specifications (e.g. from JATO), ready for the statistical examination of your motor vehicle
contract portfolio.
Furthermore, each detailed vehicle specifi cation allows for detecting and calculating inherent vehicle damage risks (e. g. glas damage risk) and supports your damage management.




e:c:mapper brings together:

Vehicle specifications for passenger cars and trucks (up to 3,5 t) for more than 45 markets; volume data and market analyses


Automobile specifications, residual values, forecasts, information regarding maintenance, wear and tear parts and repairs for passenger vehicles and trucks; expert assessments and market analyses.

bf forecasts
Residual values, forecasts and portfolio analyses for passenger vehicles and trucks (up to 3,5 t).

Vehicle specifications, residual values, forecasts, information regarding maintenance, wear and tear parts for passenger vehicles and trucks.

Residual values, information regarding maintenance, wear and tear parts and repairs for passenger vehicles and trucks.

Information regarding maintenance and wear and tear parts for passenger vehicles and trucks.

Vehicle specifi cations, residual values and forecasts for passenger vehicles and trucks.

Arbitrarily defined data formats

Specific mapping tasks can be solved by creating one’s own data profiles. Our consultants support you in conceptualizing appropriate data structures, standardization steps and course of action.

Please contact:

Herr Ertl

für den Vertrieb

Herr Brückner
für technische Fragen

ec-logic GmbH
Theresienstraße 12
D-90762 Fürth